Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Beast Shoppe

Check out these prints from The Beast Shoppe by Christopher Lee... This hunters series peaked my interest by both the design and copy writing each print comes with.
For instance, El Cazador (above) has this witty story that I love: El Cazador lived in the Infernio Deserts, where water was scarce and shade was scarcer. Somehow El Cazador never had trouble finding shade, partly because of the periphery of shade his hat gave him but mostly because he was clever like that.
El Cazador's hunting specialty was the guileful use of traps. No stranger to traps, El Cazador himself was trapped in a marriage for 17 years with a woman he knew for 3 days.
From this marriage, he learned that sometimes not knowing about something (or someone) could be more enticing that knowing them at all. His wife helped him develop a high level of patience, a sixth sense for danger, and an appreciation for the appeal of mystery.
He mastered the ability to lure prey into his traps by playing a captivating song on his guitar.

Now meet Woodfred, here's a cute blurb from his story: Woodfred was the 6th child of 13 siblings, making him the ultimate middle child. Growing up in the crowded town of Dwellford, he made every effort to blend into the background so that his siblings would forget to pick on him. And my final favorite is Wendy, she's a feisty chica: She was overactive, flexible, and jumpy. She was known to do superfluous back flips and swing from tree to tree. She had a raccoon's highly developed sense of touch and fierce territorial behavior. The only human possessions she harbored were the clothes on her back, her tiny baby hat, and a razor sharp boomerang (used primarily for hunting and secondarily for sentimental value).

Check out the rest of Christopher Lee's hunters here.

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