Monday, February 22, 2010


God sent each person into the world with a special message to deliver, a special song to sing, and a special act of love to bestow.  No one else can speak my message or sing my song or offer my love . . . these are entrusted to me.
- Author Unknown

"Some of us sing our special song as soon as we are able to sing, while others struggle to find their song for many decades.  The closer we come to knowing there is a power greater than ourselves who can guide us in our lives, the easier it is to sing.

"We can connect with our song through prayer and meditation.  Sometimes spending time in nature can help us open our hearts and discover what nurtures our souls.  Sometimes a small voice inside whispers our next step.  At other times, we hear a shout and we have no choice but to move forward.
"Today I feel the joy of knowing that I have something special to do in this world and I trust I will know it when the time is right."

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