Monday, December 10, 2012

Goal #9: Make an at-home face mask for a sister date

When my sister and I decide to hang out for a morning, afternoon, evening or entire day... we call them Sister Dates. Basically that means, its me and her, 100% attention and focus is on each other and our sisterly love. It doesn't really matter what we do, just as long as we're together. It's dates like these that I truly believe have kept our friendship so close and connected.

For this sister date, I wanted to do some fun at-home masks. You always read articles about using items in your own pantry for beauty treatments: avocado, eggs, cucumbers, olive oil, lemon, etc. But who knew honey was such a beauty resource? When searching for "great at-home face masks," I was shocked by how many posts and reviews I read that include one, single ingredient - HONEY.

And as you can see, I had JUST enough for two face masks for my sister and I.

BEFORE: honey is ON!

AFTER: beauty with attiTUDE.

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