Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hey there heyy!  Just putting out another request/reminder for all you far-away-readers, close-by-travelers, and all those in between - keep this little canvas in mind and pick up a postcard at your next sightseeing stop or your hometown to contribute to my DZP goal... I would be honored to share your fun postcard design you pick out with everyone, as well as anything you care to write on the back!
As you saw with the first batch, friends shared a quote, a friendly hello, a funny story, and Vegas signatures.  Here's another idea that I came across... drawings!  I know there are tons of art driven people out there, so feel free to doodle and be creative... I'm so excited to see what you all share with me.

The Lime & The Coconut
3310 E Radcliffe Ave
Anaheim, CA 92806

1 comment:

  1. Hold tight! You're going to be in post card heaven soon.... it just depends on how often the post office boat leaves the Bahamas.... so like I said hold tight!

